Lds Living What You Didnt Know About 7 Major Church History Events

World & Church History Events You'll Be Surprised Happened at the Same Time

From the sinking of the Titanic to the outset early morning time seminary classes, to various world wars, you might exist surprised at what y'all find when you put world and church building events side-by-side. Click hither for world and church building history events from the 19th Century.


IN THE World: The First Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Henri Dunant and Frederic Passy in a meeting of the Norwegian Parliament.

IN THE CHURCH: Heber J. Grant, Louis A. Kelsch, Horace S. Ensign, and Alma Owen Taylor become the offset missionaries to serve in Japan.


IN THE WORLD: The starting time bones from a T-King skeleton are discovered in Montana. The entire skeleton took several years to uncover.

IN THE CHURCH: The first upshot of The Children's Friend is published by the primary. The 2,000 copies were sent in hand-wrapped, ironed wrapping paper tied with cord.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE WORLD: Orville and Wilbur Wright make history with the flight of the start engine-powered plane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

IN THE Church building: Elder Francis Lyman dedicates the Russian Empire for the preaching of the gospel.  On the other side of the globe, the commencement visitors' centre is completed on Temple Square.


IN THE WORLD: Albert Einstein develops the world's almost famous scientific equation e=mctwo.
IN THE CHURCH: Under the direction of the First Presidency, Junius Wells purchases the farm in Sharon, Vermont where Joseph Smith was born and erects a monument to the Prophet in fourth dimension for the 100th ceremony of his nativity.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE Globe: I of the near memorable disasters in history occurs when the massive bounding main liner Titanic hits an iceberg during its kickoff voyage and sinks. Merely around 700 of the over 2,000 passengers survived.

IN THE Church: The showtime seminary classes brainstorm in Common salt Lake City at Granite High School. These classes were originally held during school hours.


IN THE WORLD: World War I develops afterward the bump-off of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

IN THE Church building: Though the Us remains neutral, missionaries are evacuated from western Europe and the following yr an emergency war fund is prepare to help the needy European Saints.


IN THE WORLD: A flu epidemic known as "Castilian Flu" or "La Grippe" kills between xx and 40 one thousand thousand people, more people than were killed during Globe War I.

IN THE CHURCH: Considering of the flu epidemic, Spring 1919 general conference is delayed until June to avoid potential spreading of the disease among the congregants.


IN THE WORLD: The HOLLYWOOD sign is starting time erected every bit a real-estate advert with the name HOLLYWOODLAND. The "country" part would exist dropped in later renovations.

IN THE CHURCH: Meanwhile, the Church gains some land when Willard and Rebecca Edible bean, missionaries in Palmyra, purchase the commencement slice of the Hill Cumorah from James H. Ingles for $xiii,000.


IN THE WORLD: Philo T. Farnsworth is credited with designing the first successful electronic television.

IN THE Church: President Thomas S. Monson is born on August 21st in Salt Lake Metropolis, Utah.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE WORLD: The stock market crashes on what is now referred to equally "Black Th," and the Great Depression begins.

IN THE Church building: The First Music and the Spoken Word programme is broadcast from the Tabernacle. The first journalist, 19-year-old Ted Kimball, sat on a ladder for the program to achieve the microphone.  Meanwhile, as the Great Depression worsened, the beginnings of the Church Welfare Plan emerge, most notably in 1936.


IN THE WORLD: Deutschland invades Poland, outset World War II.

IN THE Church building: Missionaries are evacuated from Europe in August. By 1940 but missionary piece of work in North and South America is still operating.


IN THE WORLD: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is attacked and the Us enters World War II.

IN THE Church building: Hugh B. Brown is appointed servicemen's coordinator. He is instrumental in getting the commencement LDS chaplains appointed.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE Globe: Diminutive bombs devastate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Nihon. Shortly after, agreements are reached and WWII ends.

IN THE Church building: Not long later the fighting stops, mission presidents and missionaries begin to be chosen over again for areas vacated during war. The Idaho Falls, Idaho Temple is also defended this yr.


IN THE WORLD: A war between politics, ideologies, and economies begins to emerge and is now known every bit the Cold War. Winston Churchill describes Europe at this time as having an impenetrable "Iron Curtain".

IN THE Church building: The Showtime Presidency problems a letter to encourage "absolute quiet" during the passing of the sacrament. Upwards to this indicate, sermons and music were common groundwork noise during the sacrament service.


IN THE Earth: The Korean War begins as a ceremonious war between Due north and Republic of korea. It will chop-chop become an international disharmonize.

IN THE CHURCH Six early-morning seminary pilot classes outset in California.


IN THE WORLD: The Vietnam War begins as a conflict between the communist Due north Vietnam government and the western-allied Due south Vietnam.

IN THE CHURCH: On the tail-end of the Korean State of war, the first official missionaries make it in Korea. A alter is besides made in the ages that young men are ordained to the Priesthood. Teachers can be ordained at age 14 and priests at age sixteen.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE Globe: The happiest place on earth, Disneyland, officially opens its gates and begins "making dreams come truthful."

IN THE CHURCH: BYU-Hawaii, first known equally the Church Higher of Hawaii, opens for classes.


IN THE Globe: Elvis Presley reaches national acclaim and releases some of his early on hitting songs, "Hound Dog", and "Heartbreak Hotel."

IN THE CHURCH: Equally other young people are gathering at rock-and-coil concerts, young single adults in Provo get together into the starting time educatee stake.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE WORLD: The Beatles begin singing their classic version of "Twist and Shout."

IN THE CHURCH: Full general Conference is beginning broadcast by shortwave radio.


IN THE Earth: Martin Luther King gives his famous "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

IN THE CHURCH: The Church building embraces diverse cultures with the opening of the Polynesian Cultural Center side by side to the Church College of Hawaii (later on BYU-Hawaii).


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE Earth: Russian Alexei Leonov becomes the first human to walk in space.   3 months later, Ed White becomes the starting time American to do the same affair.

IN THE Church: With the encouragement for weekly Family Home Evening comes the first Church-published FHE manuals. These manuals featured weekly lesson ideas and were distributed world-wide.


IN THE Earth: Abolitionist Harriet Tubman becomes the first African-American adult female to exist put on a postage stamp.

IN THE Church: In a similar vein, President Spencer W. Kimball receives a revelation extending the priesthood to worthy male members of all races. Annual women'due south meetings at full general briefing time are too inaugurated this year.


20th Century World and Church History Connections You Didn't Learn in School

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IN THE Globe: The Berlin Wall, a lingering and dividing reminder of World State of war II and the Cold War, is pulled down. Citizens swarm to cantankerous into the previously forbidden West Berlin while others enthusiastically chip apart the wall.

IN THE CHURCH: Metaphorical bridges are also built in some other part of the earth with the dedication of the BYU Jerusalem Eye.


IN THE Earth: Toy Story, the start completely computer-generated animated film, is released.

IN THE CHURCH: Out of business for the weakening family construction in the world, the First Presidency bug "The Family: A Declaration to the World."


IN THE Globe: The European Council agrees to create a central budgetary system, the Euro. The first Euro money is minted in France that same year.

IN THE CHURCH: President Hinckley announces the goal to accept 100 operating temples by the twelvemonth 2000.


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